Alícia Rodríguez González
Literary, legal, audiovisual translator of technical and scientific texts (EN, DE> ES, CA)
Sworn translator (EN> CA, ES> CA)
Reviewer and proofreader
When will they leave? Ute Krause. Barcelona: Editorial Juventud, 2011.
Translation DE> CA of The Seagull and a Sea of Colors. Anja Tuckermann and Daniela Chudzinski. Barcelona: Editorial Juventud, 2011.
Translation DE> ES of Chapters “Cicerón” and “Wilson fails” of stellar Moments of the Humanity. Stefan Zweig. Barcelona: Editorial Juventud, 2014.
Translation ES> CA and subtitled of the announcement “Your support is development” for the Sonayas Foundation of Bombay (2014). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1ZleqRBfFY
Translation ES> CA of the leaflet “Your support is development” for the Bombay Sonrisas Foundation (2014). http://venicemoonlight.com/sonrisas/older/FulletSocio4.pdf
EN> CA translation of "Human Rights Translations for Indigenous Communities around Europe" for Cultural Survival (2014).
ES> CA translation of the “Strategic Plan 2014-2016” for the Adsis Foundation (2014).
ES> CA translation of "The reception and integration system in Spain" by Mónica López for Asil.cat Network (2016).
Translation ES> CA of "CR Hevia Accem-Arbeyal paper" by Yolanda Fidalgo for Asil.cat Network (2016).
Translation EN> CA of "Special reception needs of (potential) survivors of human trafficking in the Austrian asylum system - A critical inventory by the intervention center for trafficked women LEFÖ-IBF" by Klaudia Rottenschlager for Asil.cat Network (2016).
EN> ES translation of the “David Bowie is” exhibition at the Barcelona Design Museum (2016).
EN> ES translation and subtitling of the video “Working Together: Computers and People with Sensory Impairments” for The DOITCenter (2016). <“Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UIoe-xnEGk>
ES> CA translation of “The Deauville Partnership and Dependence on North Africa” (parts 1-2 / 3) for the Globalization Debt Observatory (2016). http://www.odg.cat/ca/publication/partenariat-deauville-dependencia-europa-nord-africa
Translation EN> ES of My collection of collections. Nina Chakrabarti. Bellaterra: Coco Books. (EN> ES) Pending publication (2017).
EN> ES translation of the new RareConnect website for EURORDIS- Rare Diseases Europe (2017).
CA> ES translation of the Report on the situation of applicants for international protection in Catalonia, for Asil.cat (2017).
Translation CA> ES of the Report on the social inclusion of people with international protection needs in Catalonia, for Asil.cat (2017).
Translation DE> ES by “Der‚ Engel der Geschichte ”- Benjamins Erkenntniskritik der“ Geschichte ”und seine Theorie des Glücks. Sigrid Weigel (2017).
Revision and correction of translations
Revision and correction of the ES> CA translation of “Why a World Day Against Leprosy?” by Montserrat Pérez for the Sonrisas de Bombay Foundation (2014).
Revision and correction of the ES> CA translation of “Final Report on the Maputo, Mozambique Health Planning Project” for Medicus Mundi Cataluña (2014).
Revision and correction of the EN> CA translation of "Swedish Municipalities Asylum" by Lotta Dahlerus for Asil.cat Network (2016).
Revision and correction of the EN> CA translation of "Protection, Inclusion, Exclusion German experiences in refugee reception" by Stephan Dünnwald for Asil.cat Network (2016).
Revision and correction of the EN> ES translation and guidelines for the “COPD” video for HealthSketch (2017).
Revision of the EN> ES translation and guidelines for the “Turner Syndrome” video for HealthSketch (2017).
Revision and correction (ES, CA) of technical data sheets, newsletters and catalogs for Coco Books (2016-2017).
Revision and correction of the EN> CA translation of “Report on the LGBT Collective Asylum Network” for Asil.cat Network (2017).
Work experience
2011 - currently - Freelance translator and proofreader.
1990 - presently - Property Registration Officer. Main tasks:
Administrative tasks that require legal, technical and practical knowledge.
coordination and administration of staff and projects.
Qualification and training
2016 : Nomenament de traductora jurada anglès-català, espanyol-català, de la Direcció General de Política Lingüística de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
2010 - 2016 : Degree in Translation and Interpreting - University of Vic. Itinerary in advanced translation. Main subjects: audiovisual translation, translation of technical and scientific texts, literary translation, terminology and legal translation.
2007 : University Specialist in Contracts and Taxation - Institute of Fiscal and Financial Studies of the University of Murcia (250 hours - 3 credits)
2005 - present : Different courses (500 hours) on legislation, contracts and taxation and on georeferencing.
Second prize in the XX Andreu Febrer Translation Competition (2016).
Extraordinary degree award for the Degree in Translation and Interpreting (2016).
TAO software and tools
TAO tools: OmegaT, Wordfast, Trados, Memsource.
Subtitle: Subtitle Workshop, Amara.
Transcript: TFW Transcriber.
Terminology: Multiterm.
Advanced knowledge of Windows OS, MS Office and OpenOffice.